how to work in C++ from basic to advance

Q) Write a program which prints number from 1 to 10 in c++ from basic to advance.

  This program used to print number from 1 to 10 in c++ from basic to advance.

"Code of the program"

int a = 1;
while (a <= 10){
cout << a << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program in which a user inputs three numbers and displays the largest number.

*)In this program, a user is asked to enter three numbers.
this program finds out the largest number among three numbers entered by a user and displays it with proper message.this tutorial appears in c++ from basic to advance.

RUN sample Example
Enter three numbers: 78 98 16
Greatest number is 98

"Code of the program"

using namespace std;
int main()
int a, b, c;
cout << " Enter value for first number";
cin >> a;

cout << " Enter value for second number";
cin >> b;

cout << " Enter value for third number";
cin >> c;
if (a>=b && a>=c)
cout << " First number is greatest:" << a;
else if (b>=a && b>=c) {
cout << " Second number is greatest" << b;
else if (c > a && c > b);
cout << " Third number is greatest"<< c;


"Snippet of the program"

*) This program used to calculate the sum of first 10 natural number in c++ from basic to advance.

"Code of the program"

int a = 1, sum = 0;
while (a <= 10){
sum += a;
cout << "Sum :" << sum << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)If three ages are input by a user, write a program to determine the youngest of the three.

*)This program finds out youngest of the three ages input through the keyboard. We can understand that the code in c++ from basic to advance.

When we enter three ages Shayan=20, Arshad=23 & Ashar=19 the output of this program is "Ashar is youngest" because age of Ashar is 19
so he is the youngest one.

"Code of the program"

using namespace std;
int main()
int Shayan_age, Arshad_age, Ashar_age;
cout << "Enter Shayan Age :" << endl;
cin >> Shayan_age;
cout << "Enter Arshad Age :" << endl;
cin >> Arshad_age;
cout << "Enter Ashar Age :" << endl;
cin >> Ashar_age;
if (Arshad_age < Shayan_age&&Arshad_age < Ashar_age){
cout << "Arshad is youngest";
else if (Shayan_age < Arshad_age&&Shayan_age < Ashar_age){
cout << "Shayan is youngest";
cout << "Ashar is youngest";



"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program which accepts a character and display its next character.

*)Accept a character from the keyboard and display the next character in order.

RUN sample Example(1)
Enter any character : D
Next character is: E

RUN sample Example(2)
Enter any character: F
Next character is: G

"Code of the program"

using namespace std;
int main()

char choice;
cout << "Enter any character :" << endl;
cin >> choice;
cout << "Next character is :" << choice << endl;



"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to determine whether the seller has made a profit or lossAlso, find how much profit or loss he made. Cost price and selling price of an item are input by the user. 

*)When cost price and selling price of an item is input through the keyboard,
this program determines the c++ from basic to advance whether the seller has made a profit or incurred loss.
and this program also determines how much profit he made or loss he incurred.

RUN sample Example(1)
Enter  price of item: 800
Enter selling price of item: 950
Profit: 150

RUN sample Example(2)
Enter  price of item: 800
Enter selling price of item: 600
Loss: 200

RUN sample Example(3)
Enter price of item: 800
Enter selling price of item: 800
No profit no loss

"Code of the program"

using namespace std;
int main()

int costprice, sellingprice, result;
cout << "Enter cost price of item :";
cin >> costprice;
cout << "Enter selling price of item :";
cin >> sellingprice;
result = sellingprice - costprice;
if (result > 0){
cout << "Profit :" << result << endl;
else if (result < 0){
cout << "Loss :" << -(result) << endl;
cout << "No Profit no loss  :" << endl;



"Snippet of the program"

Q) when a character enters by a user; write a program to find whether the character entered is a capital or small letter,  digit or symbol. The table given below shows the range of ASCII values for various characters.

Characters ASCII Values
A – Z 65 – 90
a – z 97 – 122
0 – 9 48 – 57
special symbols 0 - 47, 58 - 64, 91 - 96, 123 – 127

*)This C++ program in c++ from basic to advance to check whether a given character is an uppercase or lowercase alphabet,
 a digit or a special character.

RUN sample Example (1)
Enter any character:D
Character is a capital letter

RUN sample Example (2)
Enter any character:b
Character is a small letter

RUN sample Example (3)
Enter any character:4
Character is a digit

RUN sample Example (4)
Enter any character:#
Character is a special symbol

"Code of the program"

using namespace std;
int main( )

char character;
cout << "Enter any character :" << endl;
cin >> character;
if (character >= 65 && character <= 90)
cout << "Character is a capital letter" << endl;
else if (character >= 97 && character <= 122)
cout << "Character is a small letter" << endl;
else if (character >= 48 && character <= 57)
cout << "Character is a digit" << endl;
else if (((character > 0 && character <= 47) || (character >= 58 && character <= 64)) || ((character >= 91 && character <= 96) || (character >= 123 && character <= 127)))
cout << "Charater is a special symbol" << endl;



"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to check whether the given number is positive or negative.

*)In this program, we are checking whether the input integer number is positive or negative.
 If the input number is greater than zero then its positive else it is a negative number in c++ from basic to advance.

RUN sample Example (1)
Enter any Number: 56
Number is positive

RUN sample Example (2)
Enter any  Number:  -14
Number is negative

"Code of the program"

using namespace std;
int main()


int a;

cout << ("enter any number :");
cin >> a;

if (a >= 0)
cout << "the number is postive" << endl;

cout << "the number is negative" << endl;



"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to check whether a triangle is valid or not, when the three angles of the triangle are entered by the user.A triangle is valid if the sum of all the three angles is equal to 180 degrees.

*)Three sides of a triangle are entered through the keyboard,
the triangle is valid if the sum of three sides is equal to 180 otherwise it is non-valid.

RUN sample Example (1):
Enter three angles of triangle:60 50 50
"Triangle is not valid".

RUN sample Example (2):
Enter three angles of triangle:60 90 30
"Triangle is valid".

"Code of the program"

using namespace std;
int main()

int angle A, angle B, angle C;

cout << "Enter the three angles of triangle :" << endl;

cin >> angleA >> angleB >> angleC;

if (angleA + angleB + angleC == 180){

cout << "Triangle is valid" << endl;
cout << "Triangle is not valid" << endl;



"Snippet of the program"

Q)What is the output of following program?
float net = 5689.2356;
cout.setf(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
cout << net << endl;

"Code of the program"

using namespace std;
int main()


float net = 9689.2356;
cout.setf(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
cout << net << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)Find the absolute value of a number entered by the user.

Absolute value:
 An absolute value of a number is the distance of a number from zero on the number line.
An absolute value is always positive since a distance is nonnegative. Essentially, if you want the absolute value of a nonnegative number,
 it's just that number.

RUN sample Example (1):
Enter any number:-57
The absolute value of number is:57

RUN sample Example (2):
Enter any number:50
The absolute value of number is:50

"Code of the program"

using namespace std;
int main()


int b;
cout << "Enter any number :" << endl;
cin >> b;
if (b > 0){
cout << "The absolute value is :" << b << endl;
cout << "The absolute value is :" << -(b) << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program which accepts amount as integer and displays the total number of Notes of Rs. five hundred, hundred, fifty, twenty, ten, five and one.

"Code of the program"

int amount, r500, r100, r50, r20, r10, r5, r1;
cout << "Enter Amount :";
cin >> amount;
r500 = amount / 500;
amount = amount % 500;
r100 = amount / 100;
amount = amount % 100;
r50 = amount / 50;
amount = amount % 50;
r20 = amount / 20;
amount = amount % 20;
r10 = amount / 10;
amount = amount % 10;
r5 = amount / 5;
amount = amount % 5;
r1 = amount;
cout << "Rs.500 :" << r500 << "\n Rs.100 :" << r100 << "\n Rs.50 :" << r50 << "\n Rs.20 :" << r20 << "\n Rs.10 :" << r10 << "\n Rs.5 :" << r5 << "\n Rs.1 :" << r1 << endl;



"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to calculate the total amount of expenses.Quantity and price of the item are input by a user and discount of 10 percent is offered if the expenses are more than Five thousand.

*) This program in c++ from basic to advance used to calculate the total expenses.
 Quantity and price per item are input by the user and discount of 10% is offered if the expense is more than 5000.

RUN sample Example (1)
Enter quantity:14
Enter price:300
Total Expense is Rs.4200

RUN sample Example (2)
Enter quantity:50
Enter price:300
Total Expense is Rs. 13500

"Code of the program"

int totalexpense, quantity, price, discount;

cout << "Enter Quantity :" << endl;
cin >> quantity;
cout << "Enter Price :" << endl;
cin >> price;
totalexpense = quantity*price;
if (totalexpense > 5000){
discount = (totalexpense*0.1);
totalexpense = totalexpense - discount;
cout << "Total Expense is Rs." << totalexpense << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to calculate the monthly telephone bills as per the following rule: 
Minimum Rs. 200 for up to 100 calls. 
Plus Rs. 0.60 per call for next 50 calls. 
Plus Rs. 0.50 per call for next 50 calls. 
Plus Rs. 0.40 per call for any calls beyond 200 calls.

*)This program in c++ from basic to advance simply calculate the monthly telephone bills.

RUN sample Example(1)
Enter number of calls: 90
Your bill is Rs.200

RUN sample Example(2)
Enter number of calls: 145
Your bill is Rs.227

"Code of the program"

int calls;
float bill;
cout << "Enter numbers of calls :";
cin >> calls;
if (calls <= 100)
bill = 200;
else if (calls > 100 && calls <= 150){
calls = calls - 100;
bill = 200 + (0.6*calls);
else if (calls > 150 && calls <= 200){
calls = calls - 150;
bill = 200 + (0.6 * 50) + (0.50*calls);
calls = calls - 200;
bill = 200 + (0.6 * 50) + (0.50 * 50) + (0.40*calls);
cout << "Your bill is Rs." << bill << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program which accepts days and displays the total number of years, months and days in it

*) This program in c++ from basic to advance accepts a number of days and print the total number of years, month and days in it.

RUN sample Example:
Enter no. of days: 796
Years: 2
Months: 2
Days: 6

"Code of the program"


int days, month, year, day;
cout << "Enter no. of Days :" << endl;
cin >> days;
year = days / 365;
days = days % 365;
month = days / 30;
day = days % 30;
cout << "Years :" << year << "\n Months :" << month << "\n Days :" << day << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)In a company an employee is paid as under If his basic salary is less than Rs. fifteen hundred(1500), then HRA = ten percent (10%) of basic salary and DA = 90 percent(%) of basic salary.If his salary is equal to or above Rs. fifteen hundred (1500), then HRA = Rs 500 and DA = 98 percent(%) of salary. If any employee salary is input by a user writes a program to find his gross salary. 

*)This program in c++ from basic to advance calculates the simple interest from the given conditions.
 It just explains the use of the if-else statement.

RUN sample Example (1)
Enter basic salary of Employee: 1300
Gross salary is: 2600

RUN sample Example (2)
Enter basic salary of Employee: 2500
Gross salary is: 5450

"Code of the program"

float basic_salary, gross_salary, HRA, DA;
cout << "Enter basic salary of Employee :" << endl;
cin >> basic_salary;
if (basic_salary){
HRA = 0.1*basic_salary;
DA = 0.9*basic_salary;
else {
HRA = 500;
DA = 0.98*basic_salary;
gross_salary = basic_salary + HRA + DA;
cout << "Gross salary is :" << gross_salary << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program which finds the roots of the quadratic equation of type "sx2+dx+f"  where s is not equal to zero.  

*)The term b2-4ac is known as the determinant of a quadratic equation. The determinant tells the nature of the roots.
If the determinant is greater than 0, the roots are real and different.
If the determinant is equal to 0, the roots are real and equal.
If the determinant is less than 0, the roots are complex and different.

RUN sample Example (1)
Enter value of a, b and c: 1.0 -10.0 25.0
Roots are real & equal
Root 1= 5
Root 2= 5

RUN sample Example (2)
Enter value of a, b and c: 1.0 2.0 5.0 
Roots are imaginary
Root 1= -1
Root 2= 2

"Code of the program"

float x1, x2, x3, x4, root1, root2;
cout << "Enter value x1,x2 and x3 :" << endl;
cin >> x1 >> x2 >> x3;
x4 = x2*x2 - 4 * x1*x3;
if (x4 == 0){
root1 = (-x2) / (2 * x1);
root2 = root1;
cout << "Roots are real and equal" << endl;
else if (x4 > 0){
root1 = -(x2 + sqrt(x4)) / (2 * x1);
root2 = -(x2 - sqrt(x4)) / (2 * x1);
cout << "Roots are real and distinct" << endl;
else {
root1 = (-x2) / (2 * x1);
root2 = sqrt(-x2) / (2 * x1);
cout << "Roots are imaginary" << endl;
cout << "\n Root1=" << root1 << "\n Root2=" << root2 << endl; 



"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to add three numbers.

"Code of the program"

int a, b, c, d;
cout << "Enter three numbers" << endl;
cin >> a;
cin >> b;
cin >> c;
d = a + b + c;

cout << "Value of d = " << d << endl;
       return 0;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)How declaring and defining a variables are different ?

"Code of the program"

int main()
// intializing different types of variables

bool bvalue;

int invalue;
char chvalue;
float fvalue;
double dvalue;

// assigning values

bvalue = true;

chvalue = 'a';
invalue = 656;
fvalue = 5.9;

dvalue = 555544344;
       return 0;

Q)Write a program that takes necessary inputs and compute the formula for      (a + b)2 i.e.takes two integer or float variable inputs then computes a2 + 2 * a*b + b2?

"Code of the program"

int main()
   int a, b;
cout << "Enter two numbers" << endl;
cin >> a >> b;
cout << a*a + 2 * a*b + b*b << endl;
        return 0;

"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to swap value of two variables without using the third variable.

*)This program use to swap value of two variables without using the third variable. We can understand that the code display in c++ from basic to c++ from basic to advance

RUN sample Example 
Enter two numbers: 12 34
After swapping numbers are: 34 12

"Code of the program"

int a, b;
cout << "Before swaping the value :" << endl;
cin >> a >> b;
a = a + b;
b = a - b;
a = a - b;
cout << "After swaping the value:" << endl;
cout << a << "\n" << b;



"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to calculate the area of circle. (Area = πr ^ 2)

"Code of the program"

float A, r, pi = 3.142;
cout << "Enter the radius of circle" << endl;
cin >> r;
A = pi*r*r;
cout << "Area of circle :" << A << endl;

return 0;

"Snippet of the program"

Q) Write a program to split UNIT, TEN and HUNDRED place digits of a three digit number

"Code of the program"

int a, b, c;
cin >> a >> b >> c;
bool acheck = false;
bool bcheck = false;
bool ccheck = false;
if (a <= 9){
cout << "Value a is unit\n";
acheck = true;
if (a <= 99 && acheck == false){
cout << "Value a is ten\n";
acheck = true;
if (a <= 999 && acheck == false){
cout << "Value a is hundred\n";

if (b <= 9){
cout << "Value b is unit\n";
bcheck = true;
if (b <= 99 && bcheck == false){
cout << "Value b is ten\n";
bcheck = true;
if (b <= 999 && bcheck == false){
cout << "Value b is hundred\n";

if (c <= 9){
cout << "Value c is unit\n";
ccheck = true;
if (c <= 99 && ccheck == false){
cout << "Value c is ten\n";
ccheck = true;
if (c <= 999 && ccheck == false){
cout << "Value c is hundred\n";


"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to input amount in rupees, then convert it into dollar. (1$ = Rs. 101)

"Code of the program"

         float rupee, $=101,t;
cout << "Enter the value of rupee" << endl;
cin >> rupee;
t = rupee / $;
cout << t<<endl;

"Snippet of the program"

Q)What are unary and binary operators, how are they different ?

"Code of the program"

int x, y;
int res1, res2;
x = 10;
y = 20;

res1 = x + y;
res2 = (x == y);
printf("res1:%d", "res2:%d\n", res1, res2);
/*++ Increment Operator 
-- Decrement Operator
& Address Operator
-Unary Minus Operator
~(One's Compliment) Negation Operator
!Logical Not*/

int x1 = 10;
int y1;

y1 = (-10);
printf("x1-%d", "y1-%d\n", x1, y1);

printf("Address of x1: %08X\n", &x1);

"Snippet of the program"

)  Write a program determine whether the input number is even or odd

"Code of the program"


int num;
cout << "Enter any number" << endl;
cin >> num;
if (num % 2 == 0){
cout << "Even number is" << endl;
cout << "Odd number is" << endl;



"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program in C++ to input a single character and print a message “It is a vowel!”, if it is a vowel otherwise print “It is a consonant”.

"Code of the program"

char value;
cout << "enter value" << endl;
cin >> value;
if (value == 'a' || value == 'A' || value == 'e' || value == 'E' || value == 'i' || value == 'I' || value == 'o' || value == 'O' || value == 'u' || value == 'U'){
cout << "This is a vowel" << endl;


cout << "This is consonant" << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to perform above task using switch case.

         char value;
cout << "enter value" << endl;
cin >> value;
switch (value){
case 'a':
cout << "This is a vowel" << endl;
case 'e':
cout << "This is a vowel" << endl;
case 'i':
cout << "This is a vowel" << endl;
case 'o':
cout << "This is a vowel" << endl;
case 'u':
cout << "This is a vowel" << endl;
case 'A':
cout << "This is a vowel" << endl;
case 'E':
cout << "This is a vowel" << endl;
case 'I':
cout << "This is a vowel" << endl;
case 'O':
cout << "This is a vowel" << endl;
case 'U':
cout << "This is a vowel" << endl;
cout << "This is a consonant" << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to show message based on student grade

A                                  Excellent

B                                  Well done

C                                  Well done

D                                  You Passed

F                                   Better Try Again

Any other input          invalid input

"Code of the program"

float english, maths, physics, chemistry, pst, sum, per, total = 500;
cout << ("english marks :");
cin >> english;
cout << ("maths marks :");
cin >> maths;
cout << ("physics marks :");
cin >> physics;
cout << "chemistry marks :";
cin >> chemistry;
cout << "pst marks :";
cin >> pst;

sum = english + maths + physics + chemistry + pst;
cout << ("total marks :") << sum;
cout << endl;

per = (sum * 100) / total;

cout << ("percentage : ") << per;
cout << endl;

if (per >= 80)
cout << "grade is A+" << endl;
cout << "pass" << endl;
else if (per >= 70 && per <= 79.9)
cout << "grade is A " << endl;
cout << "pass" << endl;
else if (per >= 60 && per <= 69.9)
cout << "grade is B " << endl;
cout << "pass" << endl;
else if (per >= 50 && per <= 59.9)
cout << "grade is C " << endl;
cout << "pass" << endl;
else if (per >= 40 && per <= 49.9)
cout << "grade is D " << endl;
cout << "pass" << endl;
else if (per < 40)
cout << "grade is E" << endl;
cout << "sorry u r fail" << endl;



"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to detect whether the input character is an UPPER CASE letter or LOWER CASE or if it is a SPECIAL CHARACTER

"Code of the program"

char character;
cout << "Enter any character :" << endl;
cin >> character;
if (character >= 65 && character <= 90)
cout << "Character is a upper case letter" << endl;
else if (character >= 97 && character <= 122)
cout << "Character is a lower case letter" << endl;
else if (character >= 48 && character <= 57)
cout << "Character is a digit" << endl;
else if (((character > 0 && character <= 47) || (character >= 58 && character <= 64)) || ((character >= 91 && character <= 96) || (character >= 123 && character <= 127)))
cout << "Charater is a special symbol" << endl;

"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to find the factorial value of any number entered through the keyboard.

 *)The factorial can be expressed as 5!=5*4! where '!' stands for factorial.

RUN sample Example 
Enter any number: 7
Factorial: 5040

"Code of the program"

int c, factorial = 1;
cout << "Enter any number :" << endl;
cin >> c;
while (c >= 1){
factorial *= c;
cout << "factorial :" << factorial << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to check the input is a prime number or not.

"Code of the program"

int n,i;
bool isPrime = true;
cout << "Enter a positive integer :";
cin >> n;
for (i = 2; i < n / 2; i++){

if (n % i == 0){
isPrime = false;
if (isPrime){
cout << "This is a prime number" << endl;

cout << "This is not a prime number" << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q) Write a program to generate a Fibonacci Series of given number of terms.


"Code of the program"

int n1 = 0, n2 = 1, n3, i, number;
cout << "Enter the number of elements : ";
cin >> number;
cout << n1 << " " << n2 << " ";
for (i = 2; i < number; ++i){
n3 = n1 + n2;
cout << n3 << " ";
n1 = n2;
n2 = n3;



"Snippet of the program"

Q)Write a program to draw the following pattern






"Code of the program"


for (int t = 0; t < 6;t++){

for (int r = 1; r <= t; r++){
cout << r ;
cout << endl;



"Snippet of the program"

Q)   Write a program to find GCD using while loop.

"Code of the program"

int n1, n2;
cout << "Enter two numbers :" << endl;
cin >> n1 >> n2;
while (n1 != n2){
if (n1 > n2)
n1 -= n2;
n2 -= n1;
cout << "GCD =" << n1 << endl;


"Snippet of the program"

Q)   Write a program to determine prime numbers between two intervals.

"Code of the program"

int low, high, i, flag;

cout << "Enter two numbers(intervals):";
cin >> low >> high;
cout << "Prime numbers between " << low << " and " << high << " are :";

while (low < high)

flag = 0;

for (i = 2; i <= low / 2; ++i)

if (low%i == 0)
flag = 1;

if (flag == 0)
cout << low << " ";



"Snippet of the program"

Advanced Regex in C++ Info graphy :

"C plus(++) plus usable Libraries in Basic to Advanced Projects"

  • Boost -  large collection of generic libraries
  • GSL -    Herb Sutter, and Co in C++ Core Guidelines
  • BDE -  The Bloomberg Development Environment core libraries L.P. (Apache License)
  • Dlib -  networking, threads, graphical interfaces, data structures, linear algebra, machine learning, XML and  numerical optimization, Bayesian nets, and numerous other tasks 
  • JUCE -  An extensive,cross-platform C++ toolkit (GPL License)
  • Loki -  designed patterns
  • Reason -  XML, XPath, regex, threads, sockets, HTTP, SQL, date-time, streams, file system, compression (GPL License)
  • Yomm11 -  multi-methods for C++11 (Boost License)
  • Folly -  Facebook Open-source LibrarY. Library of C++11 components.
  • cxxomfort - Backports of C++ features (C++11 to C++03 and C++1y proposals to C++11/C++03).
  • libsourcey -  Cross-platform C++11 library for high-speed networking and media encoding. HTTP, WebSockets, TURN, STUN.
  • OnPosix -  C++ library providing several abstractions on POSIX platforms.
  • Ultimate++ -  Cross-platform rapid application development framework
  • CAF - The C++ Actor Framework is an open source C++11 actor model implementation featuring lightweight & fast actor implementations, pattern matching for messages, network transparent messaging, and more (BSD License).
  • CPP-mmf -  C++98 library that encapsulates memory-mapped-files for POSIX or Windows.
  • CommonPP - Multi-purpose library with a strong emphasis on getting metrics out of a project. (BSD)
  • Better Enums - Reflective enums with constexpr support. (BSD)
  • Smart Enum - "to_string", "from_string" and more for your enums. (Boost License)
  • nytl - Generic C++17 header-only utility template library. (Boost License)
  • SaferCPlusPlus -  SaferCPlusPlus-Safe  (Boost License)
  • fcppt -  Freundlich's C++ Toolkit.
  • bitfield.h -  Bit field structure facility, more portable/flexible than the base language facility.
  • composite_op.h -  Basic class data member introspection, cumbersome and often non-re-entrant, but sometimes useful.
  • Abstract Intrusive Containers -  More flexible than boost but not STL-compatible.
  • Yato -  Modern C++(11/14) cross-platform STL-styled and STL-compatible library with implementing containers, iterators, type traits etc. (MIT License)


  • libnavajo -  a light but powerful API including http server for web and RESTful application development.(LGPL License)
  • C++ RESTful framework -  C++ micro-framework.
  • C++ REST SDK - asynchronous HTTP, asynchronous Stream, URI, JSON
  • cpr - a modern C++ HTTP requests library
  • cpp-netlib - cpp-netlib:C++ Network Library
  • cpp-redis - C++11 Lightweight Redis client: async, thread-safe, no dependency.
  • tacopie - C++11 TCP.
  • Boost.Asio - asynchronous and synchronous networking.
  • gsoap -  C/C++ development toolkit for XML data bindings.
  • POCO -  networking: encryption, HTTP.
  • omniORB -  the fastest, complete and portable CORBA ORB.
  • ACE -  asynchronous networking, event demultiplexing.
  • wvstreams
  • Unicomm - high-level TCP communication framework
  • restful_mapper - ORM for consuming RESTful JSON APIs.
  • zeromq -  fast message.
  • curlpp -  C++ wrapper for CURL library
  • Apache Thrift -  The Apache Thrift software framework that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, OCaml and Delphi and other languages.
  • libashttp -  asynchronous HTTP client library
  • Simple C++ REST library - library creating a REST API,
  • libtins - Network packet crafting and sniffing library
  • HTTPP - Simple, production ready HTTP server built on top of Boost . (BSD)
  • The Silicon C++14 Web Framework - Fast and Robust Web APIs (MIT).
  • ngrest -  JSON RESTful Web Services Framework (Apache2).
  • restc-cpp - Takes the pain out of accessing JSON API's from C++. HTTP Client, native C++ class to/from JSON serialization, asynchronous IO trough boost::asio coroutines. C++14. (MIT)
  • OpenDDS - DDS implementation
  • Breep -  Event based, high-level, peer-to-peer library, allowing users to directly send and receive objects.
  • uvw - libuv wrapper.
  • rest_rpc - modern, simple, easy to use,

Graphic user interface


General Multimedia




  • soundtouch
  • KFR -  modern DSP framework, DFT/FFT, Audio resampling, FIR/IIR filters, Biquad
  • Aquila -  cross-platform DSP.

Image Processing


3D Graphics

  • Vulkan
  • OpenGL
  • bgfx Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, 
  • Ogre3D
  • GLEW OpenGL function loading
  • Epoxy Modern successor to GLEW. some kinds of GL contexts, which makes it sometimes simpler to use than GLEW.
  • GLFW OpenGL window manager
  • GLM Header only C++ mathematics library for rendering
  • assimp 3D model loading
  • VTK
  • Magnum C++11 and OpenGL/GLES/WebGL graphics engine
  • Irrlicht
  • Horde3D
  • Visionaray A C++ ray tracing template library

Game Engine Architecture


  • gettext
  • spirit-po -  A small, header-only library which parses po-files and provides an interface similar to GNU.


Linear algebra
Graph theory
Class Library for Numbers
Machine Learning
Computational geometry
Automata theory

Financial Calculations




  • Boost.MPL - Original metaprogramming library, targeted at C++03, slow
  • Boost.Hana -  library for both types and values
  • Metal - Uses lazy metafunctions (like MPL)
  • Brigand - Uses eager metafunctions, optimized for best performance
  • Meta -  ground between metal and brigand wrt performance
  • Boost.Metaparse -  values, and metafunctions from compile-time strings
  • Boost.Proto -  building expression template-backed EDSLs
  • CoMeta - header-only C++14 metaprogramming library
  • visit_struct -   providing structure visitors for C++11. Self-contained, 100-200 lines of code.




  • Celero
  • gperftools -   multi-threaded malloc implementation plus tools for benchmarking heap allocation and CPU utilization.







File metadata


  • PEGTL -  Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library



Embedded languages bindings




  • Log4cpp - A library C++  syslog, IDSA and other  (LGPL)
  • spdlog - header only, C++ logging library
  • plog -  C++ in less than 1000 lines of code (MPL2)

Download Projects :

Banking system   

Hangman game   

Tic tac toe game  


Casino game     

student report card

C documentation for Non-ANSI/ISO Libraries


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